Our story
We started our operations in 1980 with a lot of work and dedication. Our expansion and growth were intense, creating several branches of the company with diversified products and services. Today we are present in Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia and we also arrived in the USA.
We always work with the idea of innovation and expansion aimed at the consumer market, product and market diversification. Following this premise, we created VAMFERTIL, focused on the fertilizer market and the first micronutrient industry in the North and Northeast of Brazil.
Today, as VAMTEC GROUP, we work in development, production and commercialization of materials and services for the steel industry, metallurgy, foundries, Oil & Gas and Fertilizers, also having a pressurized and bulk specialized fleet.
Dedication, human capital appreciation, constant research and development, incentive to modernization and proximity to our customers make us keep a high-quality standard in servicing, supplying and supporting our customers.
Vision, Mission and Values
VAMTEC GROUP, in order to manage its processes more efficiently, adopts an integrated policy aligned with the company’s values.
To be acknowledged by
collaborators, partners and
customers as an international reference in the
supply of raw materials
de insumos e serviços and services
that are innovative for the markets
in which we operate.
To supply raw materials and services that
meet the requirements of
the customers, optimizing their
results in a profitable and
sustainable way, generating wealth
for their shareholders,
collaborators and community.
Innovation is within
We value work and
Fundamental premise in
any process.
Relationship of mutual respect among
all levels.
Discover the manufacturing units of VAMTEC GROUP
Our seals and certifications prove our responsibility
Certificação do sistema de qualidade

Certificação do sistema de gestão

*The ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certification cover only the Vitória unit, the head office.